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Over the past two decades, program offerings have expanded as a result of the changing needs of new immigrants. Currently, settlement services are provided through CultureLink’s major program Community Connections.  The Community Connections program recognizes the reciprocal settlement process and thus offers a variety of services to assist new immigrants with settling and integrating in the welcoming Canadian society.

In addition, CultureLink offers other innovative programs to meet the specific needs of new immigrants, including our Newcomer Settlement Program serving refugees and immigrants, Newcomer Youth and Seniors’ Services for our young and older adults, as well as Green Settlement projects promoting and fostering healthy and sustainable lifestyles for all new Canadians.

These programs, services, and activities all focus on assisting and helping new immigrants overcome settlement barriers and maximize their potential. We bring services and programming to newcomer youth, seniors, and adults from all countries, religions, and status.

Complaints and Comments

All staff members are committed to providing a professional service to all our clients. If you have any comments or complaints about our services, we want to hear from you. Please read the Complaint Policy for your reference and find the Complaint Form here.

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